Call Mike or Daniel Garey to get on the spot approval and find out which option is best for you. With finance payment plans from 6 months to 15 years there's an affordable solution to solve any roof issue you may experience. Even if you are just looking to upgrade to a higher quality or metal roof system it may only be a few extra dollars per month. Please feel free to call or email Garey Roofing with any questions.
Service Finance Company, LLC is a nationally licensed sales finance company and an approved FHA Title I Lender. We are a primary lender providing installment loan solutions for qualified borrowers with favorable consumer interest rates and extended repayment terms. Our program strives to produce a low monthly payment that may offset the energy savings your customers enjoy when purchasing many energy savings products such as: HVAC, Windows, Doors, Siding, Sunrooms, Flooring, Water Treatment, Plumbing, Solar, Roofing, Insulation and many more.